

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell is a book that actively captivates the life of a nerd girl in her first year of college. Cath and her twin sister Wren have always been extremely close, especially when it came to writing fanfiction for the famous character of Simon Snow. But when the girls go to college, Wren decides that she wants to branch out into her own college world. This leaves the unsociable Cath with the only option of hiding out in her dorm room while writing fanfiction and snacking on granola bars (because she refuses to venture out to the cafeteria). Cath soon finds herself adopted by her intense roommate, Reagan. But where there is Reagan, there is also the ever cheerful, and cute, Levi who finds Cath’s fanfiction to be intriguing. Is her writing something she needs to keep up? Or is it time to let go of, like so many other things in her life?

I was not disappointed in this book at all, in fact I was really surprised by how much I loved it (which is stupid because I loved Eleanor and Park and should have had higher expectations than I did). Rowell really captures main characters that people can relate to. Cath, for instance, is extremely relate-able to me on so many levels that it isn’t even funny. The characters also have rich backgrounds full of real life situations that aren’t always pretty and they are dealt with realistically. I don’t think this book is over-hyped, and if it is, I’m glad, because it is so good!

The Pirate’s Wish


The Pirate’s Wish by Cassandra Rose Clarke is the thrilling sequel to The Assassin’s Curse. I have to tell you guys, I really liked the first book, but the second I finished this one I wanted to immediately re-read it. It is so fantastic and the ultimate adventure book.

There’s an assassin that works with blood magic (and I love him), a sassy pirate princes, and an impossible curse that is binding them together. In order to break the curse (which they are starting to not really want to do on account of the fact that they kind of have a thing for each other), they have to escape a floating island, try not to be eaten by a manticore, fight plenty of pirate battles, almost die multiple times, have dinner with a princess, and visit an underwater kingdom where sharks dress up in clothing.

Yes, this book is as amazing as it sounds and I give it 5 stars. It is perfect so read it.

p.s. there are two short stories that you can buy on Amazon that make great additions to the story.

Siege and Storm


Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo is the second book in the Grisha trilogy. Alina and Mal have escaped the Darkling, who intends on covering the kingdom in darkness. With the help of a ship captain and his crew, Alina and Mal are spirited back to the capital where the prince has asked for their help. With Alina leading the army as the legendary Sun Summoner, Prince Nikolai believes that the country might have a chance in defeating the Darkling. But Alina struggles with her hope of saving her country, her desire for more power, and her love for Mal.

This story is full of swashbuckling adventure on the frosty sea, witty princes, dark power, hope…and a magic water dragon. Alina’s character changes even more from the girl we met in the first book, and this time she has to fight the addiction of power. The Darkling is haunting her while Mal tries to find his place in her world. My favorite character in this books though, is prince Nikolia. He is witty and self-assured but he is full of honor and has a desire to save his country. I really think that this character gives this book the spunk it needs. 

The Shattered Mountain


The Shattered Mountain by Rae Carson is a short story set during the same time as The Girl of Fire and Thorns. It is about Mara and her flee from her village that has been invaded. She leads a group of children through the mountains hoping to find a refugee camp. The worst part is her fiance might not make it. Will she be able to get everyone to safety alive?